There is a new version of my NSD API implementation on github.
New features are:
- implementation on top of in addition to WebSocket, so as to allow the use with some smart TVs:
- start org.coltram.nsd.websocket.ConsoleApplication for a WebSocket-based service, and org.coltram.nsd.socketio.ConsoleApplication for the based version.
- the webapps are almost identical: for WebSocket, include script nsdLib.js; for, include and nsdLibSocketIO.js, and that is it.
- implementation of a UPnP-style event mechanism, on top of both UPnP and Bonjour
- exposing a service is simpler as there is no more need to provide both an interface description and a service implementation. The service implementation is automatically analysed to create an interface description.
There are new samples for all variants. The names are self-explanatory:
- callBonjour.socketio.html
- callBonjour.websocket.html
- callBonjourEvent.socketio.html
- callUPnP.socketio.html
- callUPnP.websocket.html
- callUPnPEvent.socketio.html
- discovery.socketio.html
- discovery.websocket.html
- exposeBonjour.socketio.html
- exposeBonjour.websocket.html
- exposeBonjourEvent.socketio.html
- exposeUPnP.socketio.html
- exposeUPnP.websocket.html
- exposeUPnPEvent.socketio.html
The library used is netty-socketio (MIT license).
Here are binary versions: websocket and