The video shows widget discovery and communication across two instances of the player, on the same machine. I tested the same between a PC and a Mac. Other colleagues tested the same between a PC and a phone.
Warning: the video is quite large, so you should be prepared to switch to 1080p and full screen to see anything.
What is shown:
– starting a light bulb application from the Intel UPnP tools
– starting a GPAC player, with the “gui” widget manager and a specific light switch widget
– the light switch widget discovers the Intel light bulb and binds to it: clicking on the switch turns on and off the Intel light bulb, thus demonstrating the communication between a native application and a widget.
– another GPAC player is started and discovery and communication is demonstrated with two other widget pairs.
MPEG-U Widget Video 6
This video shows the migration of widgets between two players running on the same PC. The same demo can be done with two different devices (but it is more difficult to show it on a single video :p ).
Warning: the video is quite large, so you should be prepared to switch to 1080p and full screen to see anything.
What is shown:
– start two players with the “gui” widget manager
– starting the clock on a player localized in French
– switch the clock to AM/PM display
– migrate the clock widget onto the other player: the widget is now localized in English, but it still runs in AM/PM which is not the default mode. The execution context was transmitted to the second player together with the widget package.
– start a radio widget and radio control panel
– migrate the radio widget to the other player: the radio widget appears with the same radio selection (Can. Jazz)
MPEG-U Widget Video 5
This video demonstrates the discovery and communication between widgets.
The three examples are run within one player, but the same demonstration can be done between two players on the same machine or on different devices.
Warning: the video is quite large, so you should be prepared to switch to 1080p and full screen to see anything.
What is shown:
– starting a light widget and a switch widget, and clicking on the switch turns the light widget on, showing that the two have discovered each other and communicated
– starting a photo catalog widget and a photo display widget
– starting a radio widget and a radio control panel widget
MPEG-U Widget Video 4
This video shows our last widget manager, called “tv”. Where “gui” allowed the user to manipulate (place and size) the widgets with the mouse, “tv” does not have mouse interaction, only keyboard interaction, as an attempt to simulate interaction with a remote control. Note: the GPAC player runs on PCs with Windows or Linux, Macs, Symbian, Windows Mobile and iOS devices (iPhone and iPad); the player is not yet ported on an STB or a TV.
Warning: the video is quite large, so you should be prepared to switch to 1080p and full screen to see anything.
What is shown, while a video is running in the background:
– interaction with the widget icons dock
– starting and interacting with a few widgets, placed automatically in a column on the left
MPEG-U Widget Video 3
This video demonstrates the localization of widgets. This is actually a W3C Widget P&C feature, not an MPEG-U widget feature.
Two players are started with different locales, and the clock widget is started in each to show the different processing (24h or AM/PM, language of the date).
Warning: the video is quite large, so you should be prepared to switch to 1080p and full screen to see anything.
MPEG-U Widget Video 2
This video is a primer for the function of our “iphone” widget manager. Contrary to “gui” which shows multiple widgets and allows the user to place and resize them, “iphone” shows either a grid of icons or one single widget. The home button below the grid or widget allows to switch the display between the grid or the widget. Multiple widgets are shown one by one as if in a row of which you see only one. Green arrows let you display the next widget left or right.
Warning: the video is quite large, so you should be prepared to switch to 1080p and full screen to see anything.
What is shown:
– scan a widget directory and install all widgets from that directory
– start and play with 4 widgets
MPEG-U Widget Video 1
This video is a sort of primer for the function of our widget player. Warning: the video is quite large, so you should be prepared to switch to 1080p and full screen to see anything.
What is shown:
– starting of the player with the most flexible widget manager called “gui”
– switch to full screen
– show the lower dock, with tooltips appearing on top of the screen
– scan a widget directory and install all widgets from that directory
– show the widget toolbar, with the name of each widget as tooltip
– start and manipulate 4 widgets, news, weather, clock and videos
Démos Widgets MPEG-U
Les widgets MPEG-U sont une extension des W3C Widgets (lien), prenant en compte en plus:
- la découverte dynamique de services et widgets dans l’environnement: pas besoin de s’occuper des adresses réseaux ou de les connaitre à l’avance.
- la communication avec services et widgets ainsi découverts.
- la migration d’une widget d’un appareil à un autre en conservant le contexte d’exécution (i.e. où vous en êtes dans le service).
Pour faire tourner les démos ci-dessous, il vous faut une version à jour du browser GPAC (lien) sur PC, Mac, Linux, Symbian, Windows Mobile, iOS, … Le plus simple est quand même sur PC avec Windows ou Linux. Si vous compilez GPAC vous-même, vérifiez que les modules widgetman et platinum sont bien inclus. Il y a ici (lien) une version binaire de GPAC pour PC Windows.
Ensuite, chargez le fichier suivant (lien) et décompressez-le. En ligne de commande dans la directory décompressée, tapez:
MP4Client.exe gui\iphone_wm_gui.svg
Clickez sur le bouton “scan”. Naviguez vers la directory courante, puis “widgets”, puis cliquez sur
Les icônes des widgets disponibles apparaissent. En cliquant sur une des icônes, vous lancez la widget correspondante.
Si vous disposez de deux PC dans un même réseau local, lancez MP4Client sur les deux machines. Sinon, lancez deux instances de GPAC sur la même machine à partir de deux lignes de commandes différentes.
Communication simple
Lien vers un article sur les widgets (en anglais)